Thursday 6 June 2013

Asking Questions When Reading

As readers who are actively engaged in the reading process we need to question what we have read before, during and after reading. This not only engages us in what we are reading but helps us with our comprehension. When we ask questions while reading, we are more likely to remember important information and details.

In reading, we have been learning how to generate questions throughout reading. This process has helped us to get our knowledge ready before reading, review important points, evaluate the quality, make connections and refine our predictions.

How does asking questions throughout reading help you when you are reading? 

Describe a text you are reading and tell us about some of your Before, During and After questions. 


  1. Dear ACPS
    We are a grade 6 class at Elwood primary, we are new to blogging and have had a good look at your blog and have got some good ideas from looking at it. Come and visit our blog to see what you think.
    Keep up the good work
    From 6T EPS

  2. Dear 5/6B, Miss Spink and Mrs Vavala,
    I think that using the BDA questions in reading would help understand your text.

    It helps me because when I don't know what the text is going to be about so I ask questions and see if I get the questions right.

    My book was FREAKED and my questions were do they have a collection like that?

    Regards Cody
