Monday, 17 December 2012


Glitter Words

What are you looking forward to most in 2013?

What do you want to learn about in 2013? 


  1. Dear 5/6B and Ms Sphink I am looking forward to camp and I want to learn long multiplacation from Anthymus

  2. Dear Miss Spink

    Im looking foward to do some work on maths because I need to work on divsion,adding and using minus, and I learnt about writing about storys and useing spelling and making sure it makes scence, and inquiry I learnt about brain storming.

  3. Dear 5/6b and miss Spink
    I am looking forward to school camp and getting to know more about my class mates.
    From Marko

  4. im looking forward to art and my new calss.i want to lean more about narratives next year

  5. Dear Miss Spink and 56B

    I am looking foward to getting to know my class mates Im looking foward to playing sport. I want to learn about world problems and what news there is from all around the world.

    Kind regards Campbell

  6. Dear Miss Spink It is important to become a better writer so people will understand what you are writing and are intrested. The some things to become a better writer is work on your show not tell.From Anthymus

  7. Dear 5/6 and Miss Spink. I am looking forward to in CBL is learning about Democracy and the Australian goverment from Anthymus

  8. Hello MS.Spink and 56b
    I am looking forward to in CBL find more about why people could'nt really vote in the past and why the six british colonies where like other contries.
    From Marko

  9. Dear Miss Spink,
    This year I am looking foward to having another camp.I want to learn more about retorical questions and how it helps me with my writing to persuaide the audience that is reading my work.
    Regards Cody

  10. Heya Miss Spink and 5/6B!

    Within the year of 2013, I am looking forward to finishing my studies and completing year 7.
    As well as getting no Holiday homework to finish, ( never going to happen ).
    This year, I would like to understand more about Taxonomy, and the Food Chain, also to be able to improve my writing structures.

    How are you planning to learn about your interests throughout the year?


    Kyla Hume Anglican
